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Pilipinos in Engineering and Sciences

Floor 1, Table E
About Pilipinos in Engineering and Sciences

Pilipinos in Engineering and Science (PIES) is a social and academic club that provides students with the support and resources they need to help them thrive in STEM.

Our mission is to create opportunities for UCLA students to become a part of the growing STEM industry and to increase Pilipino representation within Engineering and the Applied Sciences by providing professional development workshops, networking events, leadership opportunities, and club socials. PIES is an inclusive organization that always welcomes new members. Whether you are a student new to UCLA, or just a student new to our organization, we are more than willing to help you get involved in any of our activities and events. Some of the activities we offer are professional development workshops, Alumni networking events, regular study halls, and social events.


Instagram: @pierrethepiebear
Facebook: Pilipinos in Engineering and Science
Email: piespresident.ucla@gmail.com
Website: https://piesucla.wixsite.com/pies
Other Website: https://mabuhaycollective.weebly.com/pies.html


You can meet us at the Pilipinx Welcome Reception, a 3-day event to introduce new students to the various Pilipino organizations at UCLA. Sign up for the event with this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7-kYpx7LCw76ofTSyx3vGIABDL8rpZQphWaI9Pu7KMEsCmQ/viewform.