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Building Engineers and Mentors

Floor 4, Table D
About Building Engineers and Mentors

Building Engineers and Mentors (BEAM) brings STEM education to local, underserved elementary schools. We teach weekly lessons to 4th- and 5th-graders (currently over Zoom) that introduce science and engineering principles through engaging hands-on activities.

BEAM aims to make science education more accessible and equitable (and fun!) and improve student attitudes towards science. Our UCLA mentors have an opportunity to positively impact young students as well as improve their own mentorship and communication skills. We're open to students of all majors and don't require any experience other than a passion for STEM! Fill out our interest form https://forms.gle/TjkkNKZtcaP9qoHL7 to get involved. We have weekly curriculum planning meetings and site visits once a week at each of our two partner schools (via Zoom for fall). Our info session for fall quarter will be Wednesday, 10/7 from 6pm to 7pm. (https://ucla.zoom.us/j/93399275480?pwd=TndrREZLU0o2K2R6Vm1CR05CSG5LQT09)


Email us at uclabeam@g.ucla.edu with any questions and visit our website or Facebook for more information!